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Croydon Orthodontist explains why braces are not just for kids

Braces are not only for kids. Presently, 20% of the orthodontic patients are over 18; people as old as 60 have had successful orthodontic treatment.

Advantage of wearing braces in adults:
1. Good alignment of teeth even at older age.
3.Will take care of braces properly avoiding foods that have to be avoided like junk-foods an other damaging foods.
4.Adults tend to take better care of teeth than kids do.

What are the types of braces available for adults?

Fixed braces—the traditional kind that attach to teeth— generally require 9 to 30 months to work, no matter what your age. After the braces are removed, both adults and young people will have to wear a retainer—a removable appliance that keeps teeth from shifting into their previous positions—for about six months, every day, and then only at night for several years. Adults may have to use a retainer for a longer period of time than younger people.

While the stigma of wearing braces as an adult has all but disappeared, most people prefer not to show a mouth full of metal when they smile. Fortunately, cosmetic options such as ceramic or "tooth-colored" braces; lingual braces that fit behind the teeth; and "clear," removable "braces" such as Invisalign®, are available. No matter what you and your orthodontist decide on, fixed braces generally have to be adjusted every five to eight weeks, depending on the stage of treatment. Invisalign®, which consists of a series of removable clear trays, generally requires fewer and shorter doctor’s visits.

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